
For Industry

CTTM generally seeks to patent technologies when a patent will facilitate and attract investment by commercial partners for further research and commercial development of the technology.

Start-Up Setting Up Process

CTTM is committed to entrepreneurial efforts as part of its mission to bring technology to market for the benefit of society. The decision to consider a start-up occurs after the inventor(s) and the CTTM licensing officer make an initial technology assessment for the technical value of the invention. If the decision to establish the start-up is taken, an advisory group involving technology/market domain experts, business experts, entrepreneurs and early-stage investors will be formed in order to prepare the Feasibility Study and deal with Intellectual Property issues. Finally IFIN-HH will decide the level of its participation in the new company.

Collaborative Ventures

CTTM enters into a variety of relationships with business enterprises. These relationships include research agreements, licensing proprietary inventions and works, educational activities and materials, pre-incubation or incubation services to nascent companies and start-ups. Some examples of cooperation with IFIN-HH Co-operation with Industry, Public Health, Administration, Defense and Culture units can be found here.

Services Rendered to the Industry

The academia-industry seminars are very important as a means to promote the large potential of services able to be offered to industry. CTTM's staff is fully engaged in building up a large database of potential beneficiaries as well as in disseminating the relevant information and data sheet. A comprehensive description of the services rendered to the industry by IFIN-HH accredited laboratories :

A special mention should be made about IRASM Irradiation Facility offering a wide range of services addressed to various industries such as: medical devices, raw materials and finished foodstuffs, cosmetics, pharmaceutical packages, spare parts for automotive industry, items belonging to cultural heritage etc.

Sponsoring Research at IFIN-HH

Participation of industry to IFIN-HH research and development programs is highly encouraged. CTTM plays an important role in identifying industry partners to sponsor our research. This becomes more important as new research infrastructures are commissioned.

CTTM as a Link between the Technology Transfer Office of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN's TTO) and the Romanian Industry

  • R&D collaborations
  • Service and Consultancy
  • Spin-off companies
  • Licensing

IFIN-HH's CTTM was designated by the Romanian National Agency for Scientific Research to act as a liaison between CERN's Technology Transfer Office and our domestic industry in the so called ENET (CERN's network of TTOs in the Member States). Today CERN's technical expertise and most innovative technologies are available for scientific and commercial purposes through a variety of technology transfer opportunities through:

How can we find a CERN patent available for licensing and under what conditions?

  • Here are most of the Technologies available for licensing and/or the research collaborations with industry or institutes
  • CERN Easy Access IP is a new opportunity to benefit from CERN's Intellectual Property. The scheme involves making some of CERN's technologies available free of royalties, being released only to partners who can best develop them for the benefit of the economy and of the society.

For any information regarding the use of CERN's available technologies please contact CTTM.